Icons Shortcuts and SendTo items in Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008
Fixing missing icons & shortcuts :
Send To "Compressed Folder" is missing :
Click Start->Run
In the "open" box, type "cmd" (without the quotes)
Click ok
Enter the following command and press "return"
rundll32 zipfldr.dll,RegisterSendto
(you should not get any warnings or errors)
The first time you are trying to zip, you may be prompted to re-associate zipfiles with the zipflder.dll application. Press Yes to accept.
Adding items to the "SendTo" menu
This is as easy as creating a shortcut to an application in the SendTo folder. Find the corresponding folder within your local profile folder) (either under your own username or under the default username if you want the SendTo items to be accessible for other users as well). Create a shortcut to an application. Of course, the "SendTo" will only work when the application accepts a file as parameter.
Shortcut to Desktop Icon is missing from Quick Launch :
Click Start->Run
In the "open" box, type "notepad" (without the quotes)
Click ok
Copy the following lines in your new notepad window :
[Shell] Command=2 IconFile=explorer.exe,3 [Taskbar] Command=ToggleDesktop
Click "File" in the notepad menu and select "Save As"
Save the file to your desktop as Show Desktop.scf
Drag the new icon from your desktop to your Quick Launch toobar and select "Move here"
Vista : Shortcut to "Switch between Windows" is missing from Quick Launch :
2 methods :
Method 1 : create a copy of the shortcut from another user profile on your computer
Open C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch, find the "Switch between windows" shortcut and copy it to C:\Users\
Method 2 : create a new shortcut
1. Right-click on the quick launch toolbar, but not on an icon
2. Select Open Folder from the context menu. Navigate to the quick launch folder :
3. Right-click in a blank area of this folder
4. Select New and then Shortcut from the context menu
5. For the location textbox, input the following:
C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe dwmapi #105
6. Click the Next button
7. Name it. ("Switch between windows", for example)
8. Click Finish
The shortcut will now be in your quick launch toolbar.
You can change the icon of the shortcut to the original icon by using imageres.dll as icon resource. This file should be under c:\windows\system32
My Computer – My Documents – My Network – icons missing on desktop
In a default XP/Vista install, these icons are not shown on the desktop.
In XP, you can make the visible using the following procedure :
Right click empty area on your desktop, choose Properties – Desktop – Customize Desktop
You can add the My Computer – My Documents and My Network icons from the "General" tab
After a default installation, you can also make these icons visible by right-clicking the Taskbar. Choose "properties" and open the "Start Menu" tabsheet. If you set the start menu to "Classic", then the icons will be visible as well.
In Vista, you can make them visible using the following procedure :
Right click empty area on the desktop, choose Personalize. Click "Change Desktop Icons" from the Tasks list on the right. This will allow you to enable/disable 5 icons.
Internet Explorer icon missing on XP desktop
Open Control Panel, Internet Options – Advanced. Enable "show Internet Explorer icon on desktop". Note : this functionality does not work with IE7
Internet Explorer icon missing on desktop after upgrading to IE7
This behaviour is by design. It applies to both upgrades to IE7 and to Vista (which comes bundled with IE7)
If Internet Explorer icon is missing, you can create a shortcut to iexplore.exe, but that would be not exactly the same as having the original Internet Explorer icon. The original icon allows you to right-click and go directly to the IE propertes, while the shortcut will show you the shortcut properties.
This is how you can get the IE icon back :
1. Click Start, Run.
2. Type "regedit.exe" (Without quotes).
3. Navigate to the following registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel
4. In the right hand pane, double-click {871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D} key (or create the REG_DWORD key if it does not already exist)
5. Enter dword value as 0 to enable the Internet Explorer icon on the Desktop.
Other interesting shortcuts
Lock this computer :
Create a batch file that contains the following entries :
@echo off %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
Create a shortcut to this batch file (in quick launch or on your desktop).
When you click this shortcut, your computer will be locked
Interesting information about using rundll32.exe
© 2008, Peter Van Eeckhoutte (corelanc0d3r). All rights reserved.
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