Exchange 2007 – Multi Account Domain to Single Resource Forest replication with IIFP and custom Rules Extension
The title of this post may be a bit misleading – synchronizing multiple account domains to a single domain or forest is not limited to Exchange. There may be other reasons (e.g. Identity Management solution) that require you to replicate users from multiple domains into a single domain/forest, or even ADAM instance.
In this blog post, I will show you a possible IIFP implementation that has some specific requirements. In my scenario, IIFP will be used to replicate user objects from multiple account domains into one centralized resource forest, and it will be used replicate back the “mail” and “proxyAddresses” attributes from the Resource Forest to the account domains. Furthermore, I also need to replicate user objects from a domain that is not used for authenticate users or link mailboxes to, but merely to add the users as contacts in the Resource Forest in order to further populate the address book.
So, in short :
- There are multiple account domains, that contain user accounts. These user accounts are used to authenticate to Exchange server 2007 and will be used to link mailboxes to. There will be two way replication for these objects, because we want to let Exchange populate the “mail” and “proxyAddresses” attributes, and send them back from the Resource Forest to the Account Domains.
- There is one Exchange Resource Forest, that contains all of the Exchange Servers. This forest does not have real user accounts that have a mailbox. It is only used to host the Exchange environment and to host the objects (disabled user accounts and contacts) that will populate the address book (GAL)
- There is one “foreign” domain (domain not managed by you) that contains user objects. You want to add those users to your GAL, so you want to sync the objects to the Resource Forest and store them as contacts. There will be one way replication for these objects.
In order to accomplish this, we need MIIS (now ILM) or IIFP. Since IIFP is free and will do what we want to do, we’ll use IIFP for this purpose. You can download IIFP from here : Download details- Microsoft Identity Integration Feature Pack SP2. Before installing IIFP, make sure to check the system requirements (see Microsoft Download Page)
In order to be able to install and run IIFP, you need to have
- Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, standalone (you don’t need to make it member of a domain)
- SQL Server (2005 Standard Edition will do just fine)
- Visual C# (or VB) 2005 Express Edition (free) : Download Now
- User accounts with correct permissions :
- For each Account Domain, you need to have a user account, that has a very strong password, and account set to never expire. This is not really a requirement, so unless you have a process that will make sure you change all passwords when the account expires, you can set the account to never expire. This user account must have
- Read access on all user objects, all (or most) attributes. If you really want to limit the read access, then check the list of attributes that will be synchronized below and make sure the account only has access to these attributes
- On the domain level, the user account needs to have “Replicate Directory Changes” and “Replicate Directory Changes All” permissions. If not, it will not be able to synchronize.
- Write permissions on the “mail” and “proxyAddresses” attributes. By default, these 2 attributes are hidden when you edit security in AD Users & Computers. You can make these fields visible by editing c:\windows\system32\dssec.dat on your management station, look for the [user] section, and then locate the mail and proxyAddresses entries. By default, the value for these attributes is set to 7, so you need to change it to 0 in order to make the fields visible. Save the file and then open AD U&C again. The fields will now be visible.
- In the Resource Domain, you need to create a user account, with very strong password, never expire, that has permissions to
- Create user objects and account objects and has permission to write all attributes (again, if you want to limit the permissions, you can have a look at the list of attributes later on, and further refine the permissions).
- On the Domain Level, “Replicate Directory Changes” and “Replicate Directory Changes All”
- Read access on all user objects
- On the server hosting IIFP, a user account that will have access to the IIFP SQL database, and can be used to run Scheduled Tasks.
- For each Account Domain, you need to have a user account, that has a very strong password, and account set to never expire. This is not really a requirement, so unless you have a process that will make sure you change all passwords when the account expires, you can set the account to never expire. This user account must have
When you have the service accounts set up, you can install and configure IIFP
IIFP Installation
Install the following applications :
- SQL Server, with Mixed Mode Authentication. The user account that is used to run IIFP (and that will be used to run the scheduled tasks later on needs to have access to the IIFP database, and will need to have read/write permissions to c:\iifpconfig folder and files (see later))
- Visual C# 2005 Express Edition. Don’t forget to register so you get a registration key.
- IIFP with SP2
Short Introduction to IIFP
In a default installation, IIFP can only be used to “join” existing objects in multiple domains/ADAM instances together and synchronize attributes. (Note : if you need to sync objects from instances other than AD or ADAM, you need to purchase the MIIS/ILM tool from Microsoft).
This means that, out of the box, IIFP cannot create new objects. You need custom scripting for that. There is a second limitation : it cannot synchronize the unicodePwd field, which contains the AD password. If you want passwords to be synched, you need to set up PCNS on your Domain Controllers, which will catch all password change events, and notify IIFP to set this new password on the target object.
IIFP uses a SQL database, called the “Metaverse” to host all objects and links between those objects (connectors). When you are getting information from an Account Domain, you will be importing objects/attributes to the metaverse. When you want to write information to the Resource Forest, you will be exporting objects and/or attributes from the metaverse. When you want to get the “mail” and “proxyAddresses” attributes from the Resource Forest and sync them to the corresponding object in the Account Domain, you will be “importing” from the Resource Forest and “exporting” to the Account Domain.
You will need to create a Management Agent for each AD – Metaverse combination. So you need to create a Management Agent for each “Account Domain to/from Metaverse combination” and you need to create one Management Agent for the “Resource Forest to/from Metaverse link”.
For each Management Agent, you will need to create a “Run Profile”, that contains the import and/or export steps. We will talk about the details of these Run Profiles later on, as well as the technique to trigger these steps using Windows Scheduled Tasks.
When a Management Agent has been created and when an import step has ran, it defines the “Connected Datasource” for an object. When the object has a connector to an object in another domain, it becomes part of the Connector Space. All objects in the Connector Space (CS) have 2 attributes : a GUID and the distinguished Name (DN), and they may have an anchor attribute (which will help to uniquely identify the object in the Connected Datasource). IIFP assumes that this anchor never changes over the lifetime of the object. (such as a GUID)
The Connected Datasource (CD) uses the Management Agent to connect to the Metaverse (MV). This connection can be one way or two way. It can only use a one-way step in the Run Profiles (so you can either run an import or an export, but not both at the same time), but a Run Profile can contain both an import and export step, allow the data to flow in both directions.
The metaverse has a couple of object type definitions (such as person, group, computer, etc) and corresponding attributes. You can create new object types and create attributes. We will have to do both in order to make our scenario work.
When you want IIFP to create objects, you need to write a Rule Extension. The IIFP terminology to create anew object is called “provisioning”. IIFP comes with a GALSync dll (Rule Extension) that will help you poplating/synchronizing GAL’s, but since we need to do more than this, we cannot use it. However, the source code for Galsync.dll is also installed when you install IIFP, so you can use it to learn writing your own Rule Extension.
You can find more information about IIFP and the basics of Rule Extensions on the following websites :
- http://mostlyexchange.blogspot.com/2006/08/using-microsofts-iifp-identity.html
- http://msmvps.com/blogs/clustering/archive/2004/10/06/15141.aspx
- Setting up IIFP
- Configuring IIFP to Sync User Attributes
- http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=d7894cc9-eeeb-40d9-8f5f-573050624f67&displaylang=en (!! This page has some excellent documents about IIFP and how it works ! I recommend you to read these pages before you go on with this blog post)
Specific Features
The solution we are going to put in place has some specific features that will require some specific settings and scripts.
1. In our scenario, there are multiple Account Domains and there is only one Resource Forest. The various Account Domains are managed by different IT staffs. An AD object needs to be unique. The source objects (users in the Account Domains) will be unique by default (because they have to be unique within each domain). Because we have multiple “source” domains, we don’t know if the new object that needs to be created in the “target” Resouce Forest will be unique. So we need to take care of duplicate objects in the IIFP provisioning process.. Furthermore, when IIFP tries to create a user object that already exists, we need to warn the local Account Domain Administrator and ask them to rename the cn/sAMAccount attribute for that object so it can become unique.
2. We would like to be able to filter the objects that must be created in the Resource Forest. The Account domain not only contains regular user accounts, but also contains administrator accounts, service accounts, etc. We don’t want these accounts to be provisioned and synchronized to the Resource Forest.
3. We need to be able to take the user accounts from various OU’s in a source Account Domain and store them into one or more OU’s in the target Resource Forest. The OU structure in the Resource Forest may have a different layout than the OU structure in the Account Domains.
4. We need to grab the user accounts from a third party domain and convert them into contacts in the Resource Forest. Furthermore, these contacts must be visible in the GAL.
I have created a Rules Extension dll that will take care of all of these requirements. This dll uses a couple of configuration files, that will help with
- mapping source OU’s to target OU’s (mapping.cfg), and (optionally) set a fixed password. If no fixed password is defined, a random strong password (20 characters) will be used.
- determine whether an object needs to be synchronized or not (allow groups and deny groups), and define how to connect to a domain in order to perform group member lookups for this purpose (allow.cfg and deny.cfg). Since the script needs to be able to connect to a domain and perform group member lookups, a connection file must be created (connection.cfg) The use of these groups is optional.
- determine whether an object needs to become a user or contact, and in case of a contact, define the GAL it needs to become part of (mapping.cfg)
- determine who needs to be alerted (and define smtp parameters for this purpose) in case an attempt to create a duplicate object was detected (admins.cfg and smtp.cfg)
- troubleshooting. A logfile is created that contains detailed information of the entire process, which will help you to troubleshoot in case of problems (Hardcoded path c:\iifpconfig\logfile.txt)
The Rules Extension dll, together with 2 other dll’s (that will help performing some of the other tasks as layed out above) need to be stored in the Extensions folder : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Identity Integration Server\Extensions
Download :
IIFP Extension - User and contact provisioning dll (1.7 MiB)
Furthermore, you will need to create some Attributes in the Metaverse Designer and you will also need to create a new Object type called “contact” so you can use this to create contacts in the Resource Forest.
After all Management Agents & Run Profiles have been created, and the configuration files have been put in place, the provisioning process will work like this (click image for a larger view):
Configuring IIFP
1. Create object type and additional attributes :
- Open IIFP “Identity Manager”.
- Click the Metaverse Designer button
Add attribute to “person” object type
- In the upper half of the window, select “Person”
- In the lower half of the window, click Add Attribute
- In the “Add Attribute to Object Type” window, click New Attribute
- Enter Attribute name DistName. This attribute is required in the Rules Extension in order to determine the object’s source OU location (so we can map the source OU to the target OU). The attribute name is used in the dll, so pay attention to the exact object name.
Click OK to save the new attribute.
- Add a second attribute, called proxyAddresses (multi-valued string)
Create “contact” object type and add attributes to the contact object.
- In the upper half of the window, select “person”
- In the right hand pane, under “Actions”, select “Copy Object Type”
- Provide a new Object type name : contact
- Select the newly created contact object type and review the list of attributes in the lower half of the window. You don’t need all of the attributes, but some of the attributes are really necessary. In my setup, the following attributes are part of the “contact” object type, so it may be wise to use the same list of attributes :
- Create a new string attribute for “contact”, called “showInAddressBook” and verify that it is now also member of the list of attributes for object type contact.
Make sure the “uid” attribute is indexed
The last step that is required before we can continue is to make sure the uid attribute is indexed. This attribute is mapped to the sAMAccountName attribute and in order to speed up the Metaverse lookups, we need to index this field. Select “uid” from the list of attributes. Right-click and choose “Edit attribute”.
Enable “Indexed” and click OK to save
2. Put dll’s and configuration files in place
Put dll’s in place
After downloading the 3 dll’s (download link : see above), make sure they are saved under C:\Program Files\Microsoft Identity Integration Server\Extensions
Put configuration files in place
Create a folder called C:\IIFPConfig
This folder is hardcoded in the dll, so you must keep this folder name !
You will need to create the following configuration files :
Syntax :
sourceOU[tab]targetOU[tab]type of object to create[tab]Name of Management Agent that connects to Resource Forest[tab]Optional DN of GAL / fixed password
- All of the fields in this file need to be tab separated.
- The “type of object to create” can be either “user” or “contact” (without the quote)
- The “Name of Management Agent that connects to Resource Forest” can be any name at this point, but you will need to use the same name when creating the Management Agent that connects to the Resource Forest later on. In this example, I will use “MA Resource Forest” to refer to the MA that syncs users with users, and use “MA Resource Forest Contacts” to refer to the MA that syncs users with contacts.
- If you specify “user” as type of object, you can (optionally) add a fifth parameter that will be used as fixed password. If you don’t put in a fifth parameter, a random (strong) password (20 characters) will be created.
- If you specify “contact” as type of object, you will need to add a fifth parameter that contains the DN of the GAL where the contact needs to be added to. You can find this name using the following Exchange cmd-let :
[PS] C:\>Get-GlobalAddressList | FL Name,DistinguishedName
Name : Default Global Address List
DistinguishedName : CN=Default Global Address List,CN=All Global Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=Testlab,
CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=resourceforest,DC=com
This file is very important because it describes the layout of the OU’s in the Account Domains and the mapping to the Resource Forest.
Example :
Account Domain 1 : domain.com
Account Domain 2 : domain2.com
Domain 3 : remotedomain.com (contains user accounts that need to be converted into contacts in the resource forest, and added to the GAL on the Resouce Forest)
Resource Forest : resourceforest.com
Suppose you want to provision user objects
from OU=City1,OU=Company,DC=domain,DC=com and
from OU=City2,OU=Company,DC=domain,DC=com and
to OU=Users,OU=Company,DC=resourceforest,DC=local
and from OU=Location1,OU=City,DC=domain1,DC=com, and set a fixed password of “FixedPassW0rd!”
to OU=Users,OU=Company2,DC=resourceforest,DC=local
and you want to add the user objects
from OU=All Users,DC=remotedomain,DC=com and convert them into contacts
to OU=Remote Domain,DC=resourceforest,DC=local
(Since we need to use a separate Management Agent to sync users with contacts, we will specify a different Management Agent.)
then you need to put the following 4 lines in the mapping.cfg file :
OU=City1,OU=Company,DC=domain,DC=com OU=Users,OU=Company,DC=resourceforest,DC=local user MA Resource Forest OU=City2,OU=Company,DC=domain,DC=com OU=Users,OU=Company,DC=resourceforest,DC=local user MA Resource Forest OU=Location1,OU=City,DC=domain1,DC=com OU=Users,OU=Company2,DC=resourceforest,DC=local user MA Resource Forest FixedPassW0rd! OU=All Users,DC=remotedomain,DC=com OU=Remote Domain,DC=resourceforest,DC=local contact MA Resource Forest Contacts _ CN=Default Global Address List,CN=All Global Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Container, _ CN=Testlab,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=resourceforest,DC=local
Notes :
1. Make sure to put the name of the GAL on the same line, separated by a tab from the “Management Agent” name. I have used underscores to indicate that the text that follows should be added to the same line. After all, you can only put one entry on a line, and an entry should be place on one line only.
2. You need to create the OU structure in the Resource Forest yourself. The provisioning process will not create any OU’s. Based on the example, you need to create the following OU structure in the Resource Forest :
BaseDN : DC=resourceforest,DC=local
OU : All Users
OU : City
Sub OU : Location 1
OU : Company
Sub OU : City 1
Sub OU : City 2
This file describes how the dll can connect to the various domains in order to perform group membership lookups.
For each domain involved, you need to create a single line, using the following syntax :
BaseDN of the domain[tab]DNS Domain Name[tab]hostname/ipaddress(es) of the DC’s[tab]ldap port[tab]username[tab]password
Again, parameters in this file must be tab separated.
In the hostname/ipaddress(es) field, you can specify multiple hostnames/ip addresses, but they must be comma separated.
Currently, the dll only supports doing regular ldap lookups (not ldaps)
In our example, we need an entry for each account domain (3 entries in total), so the connection.cfg file would look like this :
DC=domain,DC=com domain.com, 389 IIFPReadAccount MyStr0ngP@ssword!
DC=domain1,DC=com domain1.com,dc2.domain1.com 389 IIFReadOnlyAccount MyStrOnGP4sSw0rd!
DC=remotedomain,DC=com remotedomain.com, 389 RemoteIIFPROAccount ThisIsMyStrongPasswordAgain?
c:\iifpconfig\allow.cfg and c:\iifpconfig\deny.cfg
These 2 optional files must be created as follows :
BaseDN[tab]Name of group
If the deny.cfg group is present, the provisioning process will see if there is an entry for the new object in the deny group. If the DN of the object ends with with one of the entries in the deny.cfg file, the dll will get all members of the matching group (recursively !) and if the object appears to be a member, it will not be synced.
If the deny.cfg file is not present, or if the deny.cfg file has no match, the process will continue (assuming that it needs to provision).
Next, it will check the allow.cfg file. If the file is not present (and if the deny.cfg file has no match either), the object will be provisioned.
If there is an allow.cfg file, a lookup in this cfg file will be performed. If it does not find a valid entry for the object (and if the deny.cfg file did not have a match either), the object will be provisioned.
If there is an allow.cfg file, a lookup in this cfg file will be performed. If a valid match for the object is found (so if the DN of the object ends with one of the entries in the allow.cfg file), then the dll will get all members of the matching group (recursively !). If the object appears to be a member, it will be provisioned. If not, it will not be provisioned. (So pay attention when you create an allow.cfg file. Using an allow.cfg file may be harder to troubleshoot than using a deny.cfg file)
Suppose we do not want to provision the members of Administrators, Domain Admins and a group called “IIFP-DontSync” for each of the Account Domains, and you also don’t want to sync the users from the remotedomain when they are in a group called IIFP-DoNotSync then you need to put the following entries in a deny.cfg file :
DC=domain,DC=com Administrators DC=domain,DC=com Domain Admins DC=domain,DC=com IIFP-DontSync DC=domain1,DC=com Administrators DC=domain1,DC=com Domain Admins DC=domain1,DC=com IIFP-DontSync DC=remotedomain,DC=com IIFP-DoNotSync
I would strongly recommend to only use a deny.cfg file, and only use a allow.cfg file if it is really necessary. Also, try to limit the number of groups. The more groups, the longer a group membership lookup cycle may take, and the longer the provisioning process will take.
c:\iifpconfig\admins.cfg and c:\iifpconfig\smtp.cfg
These 2 files
– describe who (email address) is responsible for a certain domain or OU in a domain
– describe smtp server parameters so the dll can send out emails
These files are used to alert admins when an attempt to create a duplicate object is detected. If you don’t create those files, or if these files are empty, no email alerts will be sent.
The admins.cfg file looks like this :
DN of OU or domain in the source Account Domain[tab]comma separated email address(es) of admins to alert
Sample file (again, tab separated fields. The email addresses must be comma separated)
OU=City1,OU=Company,DC=domain,DC=com city1admin@domain.com,globaladmin@domain.com OU=City2,OU=Company,DC=domain,DC=com city2admin@domain.com,globaladmin@domain.com DC=domain1,DC=com adminteam@domain1.com
The smtp.cfg file contains the entries that are required to send an email. It has 4 parameters :
smtpserver=ip address of the smtp server
smtpport=smtp server port (default is 25)
smtpfrom=email address to use in From: field
smtptls=false (or true, indicating whether TLS must be used or not)
Sample file :
smtpserver=mail.domain.com smtpport=587 smtpfrom=peter.ve@telenet.be smtptls=true
This is the only configuration file that uses = as a field separator
When all of the configuration files are in place, you can continue with the IIFP configurations
3. Enable Rules Extension
First, enable Rules Extensions. Open Identity Manager, go to “Tools – Options
Enable “Enable metaverse rules extension”
CLick “Browse” and select “GroupMVExtension.dll”
Click OK
Make sure “Enable Provisioning Rules Extension” is checked
Click OK to save
4. Create Management Agent for Account Domain 1 (users need to be projected to users)
Go to “Management Agents”. Right click and choose “Create”
Management Agent for : select “Active Directory”
Name : MA Account Domain 1
Click Next
Connect to Active Directory Forest
Forest name : domain.com
Username : enter the username that has the required permissions (see above)
Password : enter the corresponding password
Domain : domain.com
Click Next
Configure Directory Partitions
Locate the directory partition that contains the user objects from the domain.com domain
Click “containers” to only select the source OU’s that contain user objects that need to be provisioned/synchronized by IIFP
In our example, this is OU=City1,OU=Company,DC=domain,DC=com and OU=City2,OU=Company,DC=domain,DC=com
Deselect all OU’s/containers that are irrelevant to the IIFP process. Click OK to close the containers window
Click OK to continue
Select Object Type
Make sure “user” is selected.
Click Next
Select attributes
Select the following attributes :
- c
- cn
- co
- company
- department
- description
- displayName
- givenName
- homePhone
- info
- initials
- l
- mobile
- ou
- postalcode
- proxyAddresses
- sAMAccountName
- sn
- st
- streetAddress
- telephoneNumber
- title
(you may have to enable the “Show All” checkbox at the top in order to see all required attributes). The attributes in blue are mandatory. Without these attributes, the dll will fail to provision objects (“cn” and “sAMAccountName”) and/or to synchronize information back to the account domain (“mail” and “proxyAddresses”)
Click Next
Configure Connector Filter
You can use this if you want to filter based on certain AD attributes. Since we are using an allow.cfg and/or deny.cfg group, we can almost achieve the same functionality, however using a filter may speed up the selection process as bit. The only difference is that IIFP is not aware of group membership, so you can use both a connector filter and allow.cfg/deny.cfg setting for maximum functionality.
In my example, I did not use a connector filter, so just click Next.
Configure Join and Projection Rules
This step allows you to define how object must be joined together, and what the target object type must be.
If you only have one account domain, and one resource forest, you can choose to allow IIFP to join source and target object together. After all, you would not have duplicate objects you need to take care of (that is, if you think about excluding the default administrator account etc). But if you have multiple source Account Domains, you cannot allow IIFP to join objects. After all, it would join a Resource Object with multiple Account Domain objects automatically. So during the sync of the mail and proxyAddresses fields, it may overwrite account domain data with incorrect information.
This does not mean that the object from the account domain with the provisioned object in the Resource Forest won’t be joined together. The provisioning process dll will take care of this.
So all we should do is tell IIFP to project the source objects to person objects, and the dll will take care of the rest.
Select “user” and click “New Projection Rule”
Set the projection type to “Declared” and set Metaverse Object type to “person”
Click OK
Click Next
Configure Attribute Flow
This step defines the direction of the attributes. When creating the Management Agent for an Account Domain, most of the attributes need to be imported into the Metaverse. Only the mail and proxyAddresses fields must be exported from the Metaverse to the Account Domain (because the contents of those 2 fields will be managed within Exchange in the Resource Forest)
Set up the attribute flow as follows :
Data source object type : user
Metaverse object type : person
Mapping type : direct
For “mail” and “proxyAddresses”, set the Flow direction to Export, and enable “Allow Nulls” if you want to (not mandatory)
For all other attributes, set the flow to Import
Don’t forget to map
When the attribute flow settings have been configured, click Next
Configure Deprovisioning
Set to “Make them disconnectors” and click Next
Configure Extensions
Leave default settings. Complete the process and you should have a new Management Agent.
Repeat these steps for all of the Account Domains that need to be synchronized, setup is very similar to what has been described above.
There is one exception : the MA for the “Remote Domain” (containings user objects that need to be provisioned/projected into contacts in the Resource Forest) requires some specific settings (see next chapter)
5. Create Management Agent for RemoteDomain (user objects need to be projected into contacts)
The procedure to create the Management Agent is almost the same, but has the following changes compared to a MA that provisions/syncs user objects to user objects :
Join & Projection Rules : Set the project rule to create a contact object type in the metaverse. Select the user Data Source Object Type.
Create a new projection rule and set it to project the object into a contact object.
Attribute flow : Map “User” to “Contact” and set the Flow Directory to “import” for all attributes
6. Create Management Agent for Resource Forest : users to users
The Management Agent for the Resource Forest is mainly responsible for synchronizing information towards the Resource Forest (mainly Export), and to Import the “mail” and “proxyAddresses” attributes back to the Metaverse.
The connectors in the metaverse will make sure each object is correctly mapped, so you only need to create one Management Agent for the Resource Forest, in order to provision/sync user objects, and you need one MA for the Resource Forest to deal with the contacts.
The name of the Management Agent is very important. You will need to use the name of this MA in the mapping.cfg file, so this name needs to match the entry in the connection.cfg (or vice versa for that matter). In my example, I have used “MA Resource Forest” and “MA Resource Forest contacts”, so these are the names that we will use when creating the Management Agents.
Create another Management Agent and connect to the Resource Forest. We’ll start with the “MA Resource Forest” Management Agent first.
Don’t limit the containers, as you need to make sure all objects are visible, in order to detect duplicates.
Object types = users
Attributes :
- c
- cn
- co
- company
- department
- description
- displayName
- givenName
- homePhone
- info
- initials
- l
- mobile
- ou
- postalcode
- proxyAddresses
- sAMAccountName
- sn
- st
- streetAddress
- telephoneNumber
- title
- unicodePwd
- userAccountControl
Again, the atrributes in blue are mandatory. You need the unicodePwd and userAccountControl attributes because the Rules Extension dll needs those attributes when creating a new user. When the dll creates a new user in the Resource Forest, it will generate a random strong password of 20 characters, and the user object will be disabled (which is what we need in order to link an Exchange mailbox to)
Join and Projection Rules :
– create a join rule that performs a direct map between sAMAccountName to uid, for person objects
Next, create a projection rule to project to “person” objects
Attribute flow : Most of the attributes flow from the Account Domain to the Resource Forest. So most of the attributes need to have “Export” as flow direction (Export = from Metaverse to Domain/Resource Forest).
The only attributes that must be sent to the metaverse (import) are mail and proxyAddresses, so they can be synced to the Account Domains.
Deprovisioning : make them disconnectors.
7. Create Management Agent for Resource Forest : users to contacts
Create a new MA, make sure to match the name with what you have specified in mapping.cfg
Connect to the Resouce Forest again, and don’t limit the scope to specific containers. Leave all OU’s selected
Object type is “contact” and not “user”, so don’t select user this time
Attributes : select all relevant attributes, but make sure to select “showInAddressBook”, because this is the field that will be used to make the contact visible in the GAL.
Join and Projection Rules :
Create a projection rule that performs projection into “contact” object type
Attribute flow : we will only synchronize from the remotedomain to the Resource Forest, so you can stick to “Export” Flow Direction for all attributes. Just make sure to map “contact” with “contact”
Deprovisioning : make disconnectors
8. Create Run Profile for Account Domains
For each Account Domain, you need to create run profiles. These run profiles will trigger the IIFP engine to perform a certain task :
- Stage (full sync)
- Full sync and full import
- Full sync and delta import
- Full
Right-click the Management Agent for each Account domain and click “Configure Run Profiles”
You will need to create 4 profiles for each Account Domain, and 3 profiles for the remotedomain (users to contacts, so no bidirectional sync)
Click “New profile”, provide a name and define the first step in the profile :
1. “Metaverse Setup (stage)” : Full Import (stage only)
Keep all other parameters to default settings and finish the wizard.
Make sure the newly created “Metaverse Setup (stage)” profile is selected, and click the “new step” button to add a second step. Set the type to “Full Import and Full Synchronization” and leave all other settings untouched.
The first run profile should look like this :
2. “Refresh Metaverse”
One step : Full Import and Delta Synchronization
3. “Export mail and proxyAddresses attributes back to Account Domain”
One step : Export
4. “Full Sync”
One step : Full Import and Full Synchronization
Do the same for all Account Domains.
For the remotedomain Account Domain (the one used to sync users to contacts in the Resouce Forest), you only need 3 profiles :
1. “Metaverse Setup (stage)” : Step 1 : Full Import (Stage Only), Step 2 : Full Import and Full Synchronization
2. “Refresh Metaverse” : Step 1 : Full Import and Delta Synchronization
3. “Full Sync” : Step 1 : Full Import and Full Synchronization
8. Create Run Profile for Resource Forest
You have 2 Management Agents for the Resouce Forest : one to sync/provision users to users, and one for user to contacts
The run profiles for these 2 Management Agents can be exactly the same, because even though you are running both imports and exports in the run profiles, there will only be imports for user objects (mail and proxyAddresses). So you can create run profiles for both MA’s, with exactly the same steps
“MA Resource Forest” :
1. “Metaverse Setup (stage)” : Step 1 : Full Import (Stage Only), Step 2 : Full Import and Full Synchronization
2. “Refresh Metaverse” : Step 1 : Full Import and Delta Synchronization
3. “Full Sync” : Step 1 : Full Import and Full Synchronization
4. “Export” : Step 1 : Full Import and Delta Synchronization, Step 2 : Export
“MA Resource Forest Contacts” :
1. “Metaverse Setup (stage)” : Step 1 : Full Import (Stage Only), Step 2 : Full Import and Full Synchronization
2. “Refresh Metaverse” : Step 1 : Full Import and Delta Synchronization
3. “Full Sync” : Step 1 : Full Import and Full Synchronization
4. “Export” : Step 1 : Full Import and Delta Synchronization, Step 2 : Export
9. Test
You can now test if everything works fine by right-clicking on the Management Agent of each Account Domain and Resource Forest MA, choose “Run” and select “Metaverse Setup (Stage)”
As soon as the provisioning dll kicks in, a logfile will be created under c:\iifpconfig, called “logfile.txt”
In the Identity Manager, when you select a Management Agent, you can also see the results of the last run. Each run should indicate “success”.
Next, try to run “refresh metaverse”, and the “export” run profiles for each MA. When that step is complete, check the resource forest. The new user objects / contacts should have been created now.
If you now change the mail/proxyAddresses attributes, and run a refresh and “Export” for the Account Domain, you should see that the change has replicated back.
When all run profiles work as anticipated, you can create the scripts that will allow you to run the various tasks from Windows Scheduled Tasks.
You can use the Metaverse search to find all objects that have been imported into the metaverse.
As shown in the screenshot, you can add columns to verify the contents of the attributes. If you double-click an entry, you can see all attributes and their contents (first tab sheet), and on the second tab sheet, you can see the connectors for this metaverse object. You should see only 2 connectors : one for the Account Domain, one for the Resource Forest. If you see multiple connectors, then
- there is something wrong with my dll (unlikely) or
- you did not use my dll and created a join rule in the Management Agent for the account domain
Of course, if you are not using my dll and if you really wanted to map user accounts together from multiple domains, then it may be normal that you are seeing more than 2 connectors. The objects would be joined together by the join rule in the Account Domain Management agent, based on the join criteria you have defined. (Typically, for a user object, this would be “sAMAccountName” and “uid”)
10. Schedule imports and exports via Windows Scheduled Tasks
Open the “Run profiles” (for all Management Agents). (Right-click MA, choose “Configure Run Profiles”.
Select each run profile (except the stage profile) and click the “script” button. Save the script to a location and make sure to provide a name that reflects the run profile steps in this run profile.
the run profile to perform a refresh for account domain domain.com could be saved as Refresh_domain.com.vbs
the run profile to perform an export in the resource forest could be saved as Export_ResourceForest_Users.vbs
When you have saved all of the run profiles (except for the stage profile, as you only need to do this once), you can create 2 batch files that will launch the various scripts
1. run e.g. every 30 minutes : normalsync.bat
=> run the vbs script for the following steps :
“Refresh” script of all Account Domains
“Export” script for Resouce Forest
“Export” script for all Account Domains
“Refresh” script for Resource Forest
2. run once per day : fullsync.bat
remove c:\iifpconfig\logfile.txt.1
rename c:\iifpconfig\logfile.txt to c:\iifconfig\logfile.txt.1
“FullSync” for all Account Domains
“FullSync” for the Resouce Forest
This way, you can use Scheduled Tasks to fully automate the IIFP process.
As always : If you have questions about this post, or have specific questions on how to set up the config files, MA’s, profiles, etc…, just send me an email.
If the GroupMVExtension.dll is not working for you, please include the logfile in your email to me…
© 2008 – 2021, Peter Van Eeckhoutte (corelanc0d3r). All rights reserved.
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