Free tool – PVE TCP Ping Utility – v1.0.0.1
I wanted to share a small utility that I wrote a while ago, allowing you to run a non-interactive ‘ping’ to a tcp port (e.g. from within a script).
This could for example allow you to bring up a VPN tunnel from a script (by generating traffic to a target host), to determine whether a tcp port is open or not and so on… I’m sure all of you are creative enough to see the wide range of possibilities and applications for this utility.
The tool is a command-line utility, should run on Windows 32bit and 64bit, and requires .Net framework 2.0.
Usage :
Unzip the file and place the file pvetcpping.exe somewhere on your harddrive, preferable in a folder that is part of your PATH variable (e.g. c:windowssystem32)
If you run the utility without parameters, this is what you’ll get :
--------------------------------- PVE TCP Ping Utility Written by Peter Van Eeckhoutte http://www.corelan.be:8800 Version --------------------------------- Usage : pvetcpping.exe[ ] Both the and parameters are mandatory. The parameter is optional. Set this parameter to 0 to launch a continuous ping.
As you can see, there are 3 possible parameters. The target host and target port number are mandatory, the number of pings is optional. If you don’t specify a number of pings, then 4 pings will be performed.
If you run the utility with correct parameters, this is what you should get :
c:> pvetcpping.exe www.google.com 80 --------------------------------- PVE TCP Ping Utility Written by Peter Van Eeckhoutte http://www.corelan.be:8800 Version --------------------------------- [+] Connecting to tcp port 80 on host www.google.com... [+] Number of pings : 4 [+] Started probing at 20:33:32 [+] Probing host www.google.com on port tcp/80 - Connect OK - 84ms. [+] Probing host www.google.com on port tcp/80 - Connect OK - 17ms. [+] Probing host www.google.com on port tcp/80 - Connect OK - 19ms. [+] Probing host www.google.com on port tcp/80 - Connect OK - 18ms. TCP Ping statistics for www.google.com port tcp/80 Connects : 4, Success : 4, Failed : 0 (0% loss) Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 17ms, Maximum = 84ms, Average = 34ms
Starting from version, timestamps are added to the output of the utility
- when the probes start
- when the status changes
--------------------------------- PVE TCP Ping Utility Written by Peter Van Eeckhoutte http://www.corelan.be:8800 Version --------------------------------- [+] Connecting to tcp port 22 on host [+] Number of pings : Unlimited [+] Started probing at 20:33:32 [+] Probing host on port tcp/22 - Connect OK - 30ms. [+] Probing host on port tcp/22 - Connect OK - 0ms. [+] Probing host on port tcp/22 - Connect OK - 0ms. [+] Probing host on port tcp/22 - Connect OK - 0ms. [+] Probing host on port tcp/22 - Connect OK - 0ms. [+] Probing host on port tcp/22 - Connect OK - 0ms. [-] Probe status changed at 20:33:59 [-] Probing host on port tcp/22 - Connect failed [-] Probing host on port tcp/22 - Connect failed [-] Probing host on port tcp/22 - Connect failed [+] Probe status changed at 20:34:44 [+] Probing host on port tcp/22 - Connect OK - 0ms. [+] Probing host on port tcp/22 - Connect OK - 0ms. [+] Probing host on port tcp/22 - Connect OK - 0ms. [+] Probing host on port tcp/22 - Connect OK - 0ms. TCP Ping statistics for port tcp/22 Connects : 13, Success : 10, Failed : 3 (0% loss) Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 30ms, Maximum = 30ms, Average = 2ms
Version history : April 2009 : Added timestamps to output
1.0 : Initial release
Known issues
The statistics at the end of the probe sequence may report an incorrect loss percentage.
Note : before downloading the utility, you must be logged on to this blog.
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You can download the utility from the link(s) below :
PVE TCP Ping (21.1 KiB)© 2008 – 2021, Peter Van Eeckhoutte (corelanc0d3r). All rights reserved.