My very best wishes…
The year is almost over, so I guessed this would be the perfect time to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a healthy, successful and splendid New Year.
2008 has been quite busy for me… I’ve migrated this blog from Sharepoint to WordPress, made this blog available on the internet over ipv6, moved between houses, introduced a discussion forum on this blog, worked on some new free tools, and improved some of the existing free tools. Luckily I’ve also found some time to extend my never-ending quest for knowledge, doing research on (for me) new technologies, and to share the stuff that I’ve discovered on this blog.
I hope some of the information that I’m sharing has been helpful for you… and I will continue to share interesting things as they come along, and I would urge you to do the same…
After all, knowledge is worthless unless it’s shared. Without feedback from you, there’s no way for me to know if my efforts mean anything or not.
You can use the Comments section at the bottom of each post, you can use the rating system at the top of each post, you can use the forum to post and answer questions… If you think a new section in the should be added to the forum, let me know. If you want to get more information about an existing post, or if you want me to write something about a particular topic, let me know and I’ll see what I can do. If you want to share information that you have found yourself, let me know too… We can work something out & make sure you get the credits for sharing your knowledge
Bottom line : this blog is not a static thing. Feel free to make it more dynamic than it is already by linking to this blog, by posting comments, questions, feedback… anything that could be of use for me or anyone else. If you like stuff on this blog, tell others. If you don’t like stuff, tell me.
And in case you haven’t done so, you can get notified when new information is posted by subscribing via RSS or via email
I would like to thank the more than 6000 visitors for stopping by in 2008, and thanks for continuing to working with me in 2009 !
May the packets be with you
See you next year !
© 2008 – 2021, Peter Van Eeckhoutte (corelanc0d3r). All rights reserved.