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Installing Windows 7 from a USB key

Microsoft has announced that it will support Windows 7 installations from a USB key. This will allow people to install Windows 7 on systems that do not have a DVD drive (yes, Windows 7 will also run quite fast on your old notebook that only has 1Gb of RAM and does not have a DVD player), but it will also speed up the installation process (because installing from USB is faster than installing from DVD)

Dennis Chung, IT Pro Evangelist at Microsoft, has published a video, demonstrating how easy it is to prepare the USB and use it to install Windows 7. You can watch the video below (or from here )

In short, the procedure to prepare the key consists of the following steps :

  • On a Vista computer that will be used to prepare the USB stick, install Diskpart 

(you must run the diskpart preparation on a Vista computer, because diskpart on XP will not show USB drives)

  • Run diskpart and from the diskpart command line, enter the following commands :
    • list disk       (to show the status of your disks)
    • select disk 1           (where 1 is the corresponding number of your USB drive)
    • clean
    • create partition primary
    • active
    • format fs=fat32 quick
    • assign      (give the USB drive a drive letter)
  • Copy the Windows 7 installation DVD to the USB drive
  • Remove the USB drive.  Put the USB drive in the system where you want to install Windows 7 and boot from USB


That’s it

© 2009, Peter Van Eeckhoutte (corelanc0d3r). All rights reserved.

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