Installing Watobo on BackTrack 5
Watobo author Andy Schmidt made 2 great videos about installing Watobo on Windows and on BackTrack 5. You can find them here .
I created a rather simple and short shell script to install Watobo on BT5. Nothing new, nothing sensational, just to alleviate the installation process.
Here is the shell script:
#!/bin/bash ############################################ # # ........just installing Watobo on BT5 R1 # ############################################ cd /pentest/web echo echo "Installing fxruby............." echo gem1.8 install fxruby echo "Installing ffi.........." echo gem1.8 install ffi echo "Installing selenium-webdriver..........." echo gem1.8 install selenium-webdriver echo "Checking out Watobo ................" echo svn co https://watobo.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/watobo watobo cd watobo # in start-watobo.rb change hashbang to # #!/usr/bin/ruby1.8 # and do a chmod 755 start_watobo.rb # sed -i -e 's/bin\/ruby/bin\/ruby1.8/g' start_watobo.rb chmod 755 start_watobo.rb echo echo "Done installing Watobo..............." echo
To start Watobo on the command line you can issue
and/or you can add a gnome panel launcher:
Right mouse click on gnome panel –> Add to panel –> Custom Application Launcher (Create a new launcher) –> Add
gnome-terminal --working-directory="/pentest/web/watobo" -e "bash -c \"./start_watobo.rb;exec bash \""
Have phun and enjoy Watobo!
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