Exchange 2010 Certificates
In an older blog post on Certificate Authorities, I have provided some information about the process to generate Exchange 2007 certificates. This process has slightly changed in Exchange 2010, and Johan Delimon (pro-exchange.be) has written an excellent article about this : Generating Exchange 2010 Certificates (Exchange Management Shell) The 2 most important changes are : […]
Free tool : Windows 2003/2008 Certificate Authority Certificate List Utility for pending requests and about-to-expire certificates
In one of my earlier posts, I have talked about setting up a Windows 2008 based Certificate Authority/PKI. Once your Windows 2008 CA setup is in place and configured, you can go ahead and starting issuing certificates. But at the same time, you need to put a maintenance/management procedure in place so you can stay […]
Windows XP L2TP over IPSec dialup client VPN to a Juniper ScreenOS firewall, using Certificates
Before looking at the various configuration steps, we’ll have to take the following assumptions into account : – We don’t want to use the Netscreen Remote client, but we want to use the Windows XP built-in dialup VPN technology that allows us to build PPTP or L2TP/IPSec connections. Juniper screenOS does not support PPTP (which […]
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