Happy New Year – here’s my special gift to you, corelanc0d3r
I’m not going to spend a lot of words on this. Facts speak for themselves. A short while ago, I discovered this: http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=3031925 (you need to register to get access to the thread). Screenshot : idle-hands profile : Reputation I registered a useraccount “corelanc0d3r” and used the “Report” button, but for some reason my user […]
Corelan T-Shirt Contest – Derbycon 2011
September is going to be a busy month.
With Brucon approaching very fast and Derbycon on its way as well, it looks like I will be spending more time at cons than at work :)
I’ll have the pleasure to teach the Corelan Live Exploit Development Bootcamp trainings at Brucon and Derbycon. If you are a student, make sure to check the prerequisites so we’re all set to make the training a success for everyone.
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