Juniper ScreenOS : Active/Passive clustering
Introduction In this blog post, I’ll show the easy steps to set up a screenOS based active/passive cluster. I’m not going to discuss the configuration of active/active clusters because, in my opinion, this configuration is only needed in rare circumstances and may introduce some weird behaviour issues. Furthermore, active/passive clusters have been working quite well […]
First look at Exchange 2010 Beta1 High Availability using DAG
Lab config : 1 x Windows 2008 server Standard Edition, 64bit : DC + HUB/CAS Server role : dionysus – 2 x Windows 2008 servers Enterprise Edition, 64bit : Mailbox server roles : exch2010mb1 ( and exch2010mb2 ( 2 Databases will be created (one on each mailbox server, created automatically when the Mailbox role […]
Juniper Screenos : Redundant multi-exitpoint ISP routing failover using multiple vrouters, multiple OSPF areas and eBGP
Introduction As you most likely already know, Juniper screenOS supports a couple of dynamic routing protocols (OSPF, BGP, RIP). These protocols can be used to build very powerful and redundant networks, however there are some screenos specific issues with these implementations, and these issues may introduce a little bit of complexity in the design and […]