How to properly restore (objects in) the 2003 AD database
Windows 2000 /Active Directory has been around for more than 7 years now. I’ve been using AD for almost 7 years, and due to its stability, I never had to recover a deleted object in AD. (Knock on wood). So it’s not a real surprise to find out that a lot of admins don’t even […]
Posted in Active Directory, Windows Server | Tagged 2003, Active Directory, ad-2003-restore-object, authoritative restore, how-to-restore-the-ou-in-2003, ntbackup-restore-ntds-dit, ntdsutil, ntdsutil-2003-authoritative-restore, ntdsutil-restore-object, objects, recover-an-object-deleted-in-2003-ads, recover-tombstoned-objects-using-ntdsutil, recovering-a-ou-from-ntds-dit, restore, restore-2003-ad-user, restore-object-ntdutil, restore-ou-ad-windows-2003, restore-user-obiect-from-ntdsdit, restoring-opjects-from-ntds-files, windows-2003-ad-restore-ou
Restoring 2003 AD Objects using Windows 2008 Server
Anyone managing an Active Directory knows about the administrative troubles and work that can be caused when an object (such as a user) gets deleted. The admin needs to either restore the object, and then manually fill out the attributes (such as password, group membership and so on), or restore a backup of the ntds.dit […]
Posted in Active Directory, Windows Server | Tagged 2003, 2008, Active Directory, active-directory-recovery-2003-auf-2008, can-i-restore-2003-ad-backup-in-2008, esentutl-p-for-ntds-technet, how-to-restore-active-directory-2003-from-ntbackup-to-2008, recover-win-2003-ad-on-win2008, restauration-ad-2003-vers-2008, restore, restore-2008-system-state-to-2003-server, restore-active-directory-2008-from-2003-backup, restore-ad-from-2003-system-state-to-2008-server, restore-server-2003-ad-to-2008, restore-to-alternate-location-access-ntds-dit, restore-user-obiect-from-ntdsdit, restore-windows-2003-group-policy-into-windows-2008, server, where-is-the-ntds-dit-in-an-alternate-location-restore, win-2008-recover-ad-with-files
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