
Free tool : Windows 2003/2008 Certificate Authority Certificate List Utility for pending requests and about-to-expire certificates

In one of my earlier posts, I have talked about setting up a Windows 2008 based Certificate Authority/PKI. Once your Windows 2008 CA setup is in place and configured, you can go ahead and starting issuing certificates. But at the same time, you need to put a maintenance/management procedure in place so you can stay […]

Windows 2003 Server Network Load Balancing (NLB) for IIS based SMTP services

In this post, I will explain how to set up 2 or more Windows 2003 servers to use the Windows Server built-in NLB functionalities in order to provide high availability and network load balancing for IIS based SMTP services. Requirements You need to have at least 2 servers that communicate to each other over 2 […]

Free Tool – Exchange 2007 Outbound SMTP gateway redundancy

(a.k.a. PVE Exch2007 Rerouter manual) Keywords : Exchange 2007 outbound SMTP relay redundancy SendConnector outgoing mail high availability Microsoft Exchange 2007 allows you to consolidate your messaging infrastructure and host more users on one server. Combined with the introduction of new server roles, Exchange 2007 allows for high levels of redundancy and resilience, ensuring uptime […]

Free tool – PVE SMTP Open Relay Tester

I have decided to make some of my old (and new) tools and scripts available to the community.  The first (6 years old but still useful) tool is my SMTP Open Relay Tester.  This small standalone Windows console application (no installation, no dll’s) will test if a given smtp server accepts third party relays or […]

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